You are here: Alabama (AL) State -> Fairhope City

Eastern Shore Medical Center

Eastern Shore Medical Center are a psychiatry located in Fairhope, Alabama (AL), which is a part of Baldwin county.

You can find Eastern Shore Medical Center is 302 Magnolia Ave, Fairhope, 36532-2414 and give them a call at 2519900005. The contact person is W Cseh which is the Psychiatry of the psychiatry. That clinic is mainly in the 801104 - Medical Doctor's Office field. Our latest data is that, the company has 2 employees and have approximately $150,000 in turn over.
Check this clinic on the map below:

Eastern Shore Medical Center contact information and details:
Name: Eastern Shore Medical Center
Address: 302 Magnolia Ave, Fairhope, Alabama (AL) 36532-2414
Contact Phone: 2519900005 /
Clinic's Psychiatry: W Cseh
Employees: 2